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Agricultural Enhancement / Chesapeake Bay Program Applications

Application Deadline is currently Janurary 3rd. Please have your applications and paperwork turned in by this date.
If you have not registered as a Cooperator with the Eastern Panhandle Conservation District you will need to fill out a Conservation Agreement and W9 Form as well as the application for the program(s) you are looking for.
Please print, fill out, and bring,fax, or mail completed application(s) to:
151 Aikens Center, Suite 2
Martinsburg, WV 25404
Fax number: 304-263-4976
There is also be a mail slot in the door of the building to drop off applications.

Most practices will require a recent (within the past 3 years) Soil Sample as well. If you have not had one please also bring a sample and the Soil Sample Submission Form as well.

• Conservation Agreement • W9 Form • Soil Sample Submission Form

You can hover your mouse cursor over the practice to see a brief description of that practice.
Frost Seeding Lime Application
Pollination Honeybee Nucleus Urban Agriculture

Rental Equipment & Testing Services
The equipment listed below is for rent by the Eastern Panhandle Conservation district.
Please call 681-247-3010 to inquire about the rental schedule.
Please see this Rental Brochure for more information on, and images of equipment.

Manure Spreader
-$10 per load
-$80.00 per day
5 ton Lime Spreader
-$10 per load
-$80.00 per day
Poultry Litter Spreader
-$10 per load
-$80.00 per day
10 Foot No-Till Drill
-$15 per acre
-$50/day after 48 hours
Roller Crimper
-$50 per day
Weed Wiper
-$50 per day
Forage and Soil Testing - See Brochure for details

District Information

Approved December Board Meeting Minutes - 1/23/25
posted by: Talon LeFevre