West Virginia Conservation Agency  •  1900 Kanawha Blvd. E. •  Charleston, WV 25305  •  304-558-2204
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2024 event: April 18th and 19th at Cedar Lakes Conference Center in Jackson County

What is the Envirothon?

The West Virginia Envirothon is a conservation education program and competition for students in grades 9 through 12. The West Virginia Envirothon focuses on five subject areas: aquatics, forestry, soils, wildlife, and a current environmental topic. By participating in the Envirothon program students learn about West Virginia's diverse ecosystem and how they can help conserve and protect it for future generations.

How can I participate?

To participate in the West Virginia Envirothon, you must first put together a team of five students and one adult advisor/chaperone. Teams can be created through school clubs, home school groups, classes, 4-H groups, scout troops, etc. The next step is to register your team for the upcoming West Virginia Envirothon, get your study materials and prepare for the competition. Teams are tested on their natural resource knowledge, skills, and problem-solving abilities.

Want to get involved?

For additional information, contact Envirothon Chairman Wayne McKeever by email at wayne.mckeever@gmail.com
or by mail at
West Virginia Envirothon
742 Airport Rd.
Sutton, WV 26601

We would like to thank each of the teams that participated in the 2023 Envirothon. Below is a video showcasing the event.


Envirothon Information and Resources

Test Writing Guides - NCF-Envirothon

Envirothon Soils Training Video

Envirothon Wildlife Training Video

NEW - Wildlife Supplemental Video

Envirothon Forestry Teacher Training Session

NEW - Forestry Supplemental Video

NEW - Envirothon Aquatics Teacher Training Session

Aquatics Supplemental Video

2024 Current issues - 5th Topic

This guide is what teams will need to follow for their 5th Topic presentations: 2024 WV Special (5th) Topic

5th Topic Web Information: https://envirothon.org/the-competition/2024-study-resources/

5th Topic Study Guide - (large pdf, please give a moment for it to load)

Cronin - WV Envirothon Presentation (PDF Version)

J. Hubbart "Sustainable Bioenergy Production" Presentation (PDF Version)
WV Woodland Stewards Seminar - Biochar
Passcode to view video: ZMa8C%mM
Scroll to 32 minutes for relevant information.

2024 Team Info and Registration

*Please download and save each form before filling it out and sending it in.

Team Registration Form
Team Medical Publicity Release Form

2024 Volunteer Info and Registration

*Please download and save each form before filling it out and sending it in.

Volunteer Registration Form
Volunteer medical Publicity Release form

Envirothon Scholarship Information

First Place Team: $5,000
Second Place Team: $4,000
Third Place Team: $3,000
Fourth Place Team: $2,000
Fifth Place Team: $1,500


Station Awards*

  1. 1. All Teams are eligible
  2. 2. Station Awards will be presented as follows:
    • a. For the purpose of stimulating conservation and environmental education, students will be awarded $250 per team for the highest team score at each station. The stations include Forestry, Aquatics, Soils, Wildlife and current 5th topic.
    • b. For the purpose of stimulating conservation and Environmental education within the classroom, $250 will be awarded to the station winner's Advisor/Teacher. The stations include Forestry, Aquatics, Soils, Wildlife and current 5th topic
  3. 3. Awards will be presented to the top scoring team in each subject category: Wildlife, Aquatics, Forestry, Soils and current 5th topic.
  4. 4. Ties will be settled by a tie breaker question or questions presented at each testing site, Aquatics, Forestry, Wildlife, Soils and current 5th topic.

$500 Attendance Award*

  1. 1. The top five placing teams and the station award teams are NOT eligible for the attendance award
  2. 2. All five members of each Team must be present at the final presentation to be eligible
  3. 3. The drawing will be held prior to the announcement of the 1st place team

Rookie Team Award*

Awarded to the highest-scoring first-year competing team in the amount of $600 for the team, broken down to $100 per member and $100 to the Coach.

*Teams MUST attend all scheduled events. Penalties may be handed out to teams that do not attend events

Envirothon Training Opportunities

Policy and Procedures

WV Envirothon Policy and Procedures

West Virginia Envirothon Study Materials

Aquatics | Forestry | Soils | Wildlife

Oral Presentation Rules
Oral Presentation Score Sheet

Teams will turn in their flash drive and notecards when they register. The flash drive will be given to the team at the time scheduled for their 15 minute practice session. To receive full credit, presentations must be between 5 minutes and 7 minutes. Points will be deducted according to the score sheet if they take less time. Teams will be stopped at 7 minutes. This will allow time for a three minute Question and Answer session with the judges.

    Presentation Rules and Regulations
  • 1). 10 slide maximum
  • 2). No videos, sound, or hyperlinks allowed
  • 3). 3 X 5 inch notecards can be used to read from; cannot be used as visual aid
  • 4). Windows operating system will be used for all presentations utilizing Microsoft Office PowerPoint
  • 5). Absolutely no props. Pointer will be provided.
  • 6). No team, school, county, district, or personal names on presentation
  • 7). No identifying clothing to be worn, Envirothon t-shirts required
  • 8). Points will be deducted for any infractions of these rules

Top Five Presentation
The top five teams will give the same presentation as the previous day, complete with 3 minute Question and Answer period. After that, each team will be asked the same bonus question. Teams will have up to three minutes to confer on an answer, and one minute to provide the answer.

At the end of the competition, all presentations not picked up will be recycled.

NCF Envirothon

(click image to visit NCF Envirothon Website)

USDA-NRCS Earth Team Volunteer Program information


The NCF-Envirothon iNaturalist project is an exciting distance engagement opportunity designed to help continue the hands-on, experiential learning that is foundational to the Envirothon program.

For more GIS Resources view this PDF with hyperlinks
Geospatial Resources

To get more information visit https://envirothon.org/educational-resources/inaturalist/


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