We assist agricultural cooperators to improve and conserve land and water quality for all residents ...

Manages federal Clean Water Act, Section 319 programs to reduce nonpoint source pollution ...

Responsibility for the Operations, Maintenance, and Repair of our 170 watershed dams and 22 channels.

Manage programs, education, and best practices to improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay Area ...

The LSAPP is a permit process designed to provide landowners the opportunity to complete types of stream projects...

In cases of extreme flooding, the WVCA will work with local, state and federal agencies to determine the extent of flood-related damages and to relieve blockages from streams.

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News and Events

WVCA Contracting

Contracting Bid Opportunities

The fourteen (14) Conservation Districts may utilize a competitive bid process for project contracts above $2,500.00. This page will list all upcoming job site bidding opportunities.

Contracting Email Notifications

Contractors interested in receiving E-mail notifications of flood recovery work or upcoming non-flood projects can now sign up for automated Email based on work locations.

Become a District Supervisor How you can make a difference in your conservation district and help West Virginia citizens.

Dams maintained

Million Dollars in
Property Protection

Offices in WV

AgEP Cooperators

Send us a Message

1900 Kanawha Blvd., Charleston, WV 25305-01936
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Friday
304-558-2204,  FAX:304-558-1635